March 25, 2020


One of our priests in my parish has a bad back and he does not distribute communion, only to the front pews, he sits down during communion. He does stand for the gospel and the homily. He stated he can walk around okay but not stand still. Just a fact, he is a young priest, only two years in his vocation. I do not like to receive communion from a eucharistic minister, only thepriest,  is it a sin for me if I choose not to receive communion from the eucharistic minister? 

P.S. a few weeks ago our seminarian gave the homily and he pointed out how some people look for the communion line with a priest, he was making fun, I did not appreciate it.


Your a better person than I am. I would be out of the Church soooooooo fast and find one that is more traditional and reverent and not so loosy goosy with the Sacred Liturgy.