I know you were a police officer for many years. How did you hear God calling you to become a police officer? How were you able to discern? I have a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and over the past 10 years I have gone back and forth in my mind with the decision to pursue it. I feel God calling me to have a career where I can really help people. To be of service. It’s just difficult to tell if this is the path.
The fact that your talking about it, pondering it, reflecting upon it and have a degree in criminal justice seems to me like if the Lord is calling you in that direction. You will know within a few short years if you chose wisely or if God has another path for you. Many cops use law enforcement as a stepping stone to go to law school and become lawyers, district attorney etc. Just a thought. Being a cop is a call to be a 'sheepdog.' Every man falls into one of three categories, their either wolves (bad men), sheep (soft men) or sheepdogs (protectors of the weak).
Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.