The Liber Christo Method;

April 3, 2024


I am a Catholic wife and mother of seven children and looking for someone who is knowledgeable in the subject of Free Masons and the occult. We have had sickness, accidents and weird medical conditions, plague our family one thing after the next since last July 11. (I have charted it out). We recently realized that a trip we went on coincides with the beginning of these events. We went on a trip with my husband’s cousin. Her daughter came who we didn’t think was involved in witchcraft/satanism - though we are unsure which now  (she is 24) but we recently realized she has a good size goat head tattoo on her chest and wears pentagram sandals and our family immediately got sick after our visit and this has rolled into present day (some of our kids have missed over 30 school days). In the past we had a similar situation with sickness and accidents plaguing our family until we said the Free Mason release prayer a bunch (my husband’s father was a 33rd and his grandfather on both sides was involved as well as other family members). We have moved around a lot being US Navy and have a hard time maintaining continuity with priests because of moving. So my question is, can this be a witchcraft curse (although I don’t understand why it is so strong) or can the Free Mason need multiple sessions over time (like maintenance) to be set free again?


Your precisely why Dr Dan Schneider wrote the book: 'The Liber Christo Method; a field manual for Spiritual Combat.' He talks about Freemasonry on page, 15, 27, 53, 54, 68, 81, 82, 83, 84, 335, 347. The meat of what you should read for your case is highlighted in yellow. *Order Liber Christo Method, a Manual for Spiritual Combat by Dan Schneider -