Laudate App - Pay attention to your writers / contributors
Jesse responds to Laudate contributor/writer of
I was horrified by your post on your Jan 27, 2021 "Daily Bible Verse" (on my app) where you inserted the name of Kamala Harris as if she is up for canonization. To be fair to Laudate, the writers/contributors to the "Daily Bible Verse" (on your app) are an apostolate called '' Here is what they wrote: "Christian women is society's greatest investment. Convinced of this truth, St. Angela Merici founded the Company of St. Ursula, [Ursulines] a secular institute devoted to educating young women to be Christian wives, mothers, teachers, and catechists. Consider the fruits of St Angela's labor: Margaret Thatcher, Angela Merkel, Indira Gandhi, Teresa of Kolkata, Kamala Harris, Teresa of Avila and so many more. It all began with the powerful Yes of Mary: "All generations shall call me blessed."
Here are some things you need to know about Kamala Harris.
1. While serving in the Senate, Harris has maintained a 100% rating from the group National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws (NARAL), a pro-abortion entity.
2. As attorney general of California, Kamala Harris prosecuted pro-life journalists from the Center for Medical Progress who investigated Planned Parenthood and its selling of aborted baby body parts, leading to a House investigation and hearing.
3. In 2018, during the Senate hearing for the nomination of Brian Buescher to serve as a district judge in Nebraska, Harris attacked Buescher, insinuating that his involvement in the Knights of Columbus, disqualified him from serving on the bench.
Having her name next to St Mother Teresa, St Teresa of Avila and the Blessed Virgin Mary is blasphemous, scandalous and outrageous. Kamala Harris rose the political ladder by violating the 6th and 9th commandments. When I read your post on Wednesday the 27 of January 2021, all I could think of was "O foolish Galatians, Who has bewitched you..." (3:1). This narrative is an example of Catholic liberalism, modernism and a false ecumenism by the writers of
Kamala Harris is an anti-Catholic bigot and by her actions is a child of the devil, while these women Catholic saints are children of God (cf 1 John 3:1). The apostles call out evil people who deny God's holy doctrine by name. "Holding faith and a good conscience, certain persons have made shipwreck of their faith, among them Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have delivered to Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme" (1 Timothy 1:19-20).
Kamala Harris is at odds with Gods Word on the two pillars that sustain civilization, the sanctity of innocent human life and natural marriage as given to us by God.
I am generally quite pleased with your reflections, their orthodox and well written, but this time you went off the rails. Please keep your political ideology to yourself and stick with giving us the Catholic saints as role models. Praying for Kamala Harris's conversion which is mandated by scripture (cf. 1 Tim 1:1-2) is quite different from using her as a model for Catholics. She is not even Catholic and marginally Baptist, and a poor example of a Baptist at that. Baptist are the the more conservative wing within protestantism and are generally prolife. She has demonstrated a deep seated visceral bigotry against Catholics as a politician. Facts are stubborn things and she can't erase her history of anti-Catholicism.