Jesus Started The Catholic Church

June 7, 2024

1.  Britannica Encyclopedia under ‘Roman Catholicism.’ Dates the “History of the church from its beginnings with the Apostle Peters identification with Rome…Roman Catholicism has been the decisive spiritual force in the history of Western Civilization…The papacy is the oldest continuing absolute monarchy in the world…Roman Catholicism began with the very beginnings of the Christian movement…the Roman Catholic Church has maintained an unbroken continuity since the days of the Apostles, while all other denominations…are deviations from it.”[i]


2.    Handbook of Denominations: “For the 1st 1,500 years of Christianity’s history, the Western world was almost solidly Roman Catholic...The Roman Catholic Church dates its beginning from the moment of Christ selection of the apostle Peter as guardian of the keys of heaven and earth and chief of the apostles, and it claims the fisherman as its 1st Pope…The faith and doctrine of Catholicism are founded upon “that deposit of faith given to it by Christ and through his apostles, sustained by the Bible and by Tradition.”[ii]


[i] Pelikan, Jaroslav Jan, et al. “Roman Catholicism.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 29 Nov. 2019, online

[ii] Hill, Samuel S., and Frank S. Mead. Handbook of Denominations. 10th ed., Abingdon Press, 1995 p. 267.