Jesse Romero's reflections on the Derek Chauvin Trial
This was without a doubt a politically charged verdict, but truth be told, Derek Chauvin gave the prosecution and jury a lot to work with. Why? What regulates law enforcement officers actions regarding the ‘use of force’ is Graham vs Connor (1989). The legal standard for Police Officers as it relates to use of force is “objectively reasonable facts that justify their actions, rather than relying on hunches or good faith.” Their actions must be reasonable. Everything Chauvin did was reasonable even putting his knee across the side of his neck was reasonable and lawful. Where his Department experts and other use of force experts could not justifiy was keeping his knee across his neck for 9 minutes as he’s screaming that he can’t breathe and the public is telling him, “officer get off of him he can’t breathe.” This was a public relations community oriented policing nightmare for the Minneapolis Police Department and for that lack of empathy towards a fellow human being his department threw him under the bus. Law Enforcement ‘use of force’ never looks pretty and this video of Chauvin screaming played in the minds of the jurors over and over again as they were deliberating. This was so egregious to the jury that they simply dismissed all the medical testimony that vindicated Chauvin from homicide or manslaughter. Graham vs Connor is the litmus test the jury looks at as to what a reasonable ordinary prudent officer would have done in that same situation. The excessive use of force is also judged by Johnston vs Glick case, the courts want to know “whether the force was applied in a good faith effort to maintain and restore discipline or maliciously and sadistically for the very purpose of causing harm.” This is what the jury had to work with, these two supreme court decisions on the ‘use of force’ by an officer and the video of a black suspect handcuffed on his stomache with a white officer’s knee on his neck while the black suspect is yelling that he can’t breathe and citizens with cameras are telling Chauvin to get off of him. The defense presented a masterful medical case that demonstrated George Floyd had serious medical problems and was under the influenced of illegal drugs. George Floyd was a dead man walking.
You would think that most jurors are moved by facts and not emotional appeals. Aristotle says there are 3 ways to argue your point of view. You argue either from:
1) Fact
2) Emotion
3) Character
Aristotle believed that emotion is the strongest argument; it has the greatest appeal for the average person who is not a critical thinker. Thanks to Saul Alinsky, the Democrats & the left are experts at arguing from emotion.
Truth be told, the jury was also highly motivated by 1000 black lives matter & antifa anarchist outside the courthouse building ready to riot if they didn’t render a verdict agreeable to the mob. These are classic ‘Sal Alinsky tactics’ taught to community organizers. Rule #10 “If you push a negative hard enough, it will become a positive. Provoking violence from the other side can win the public to your side.” I discovered a long time ago, that Lady Justice is NOT blind, she can be bought for a price $$$, intimidated by mobs or be influenced by the progressive Marxist secular leftist who now roam the streets like sons of satan and hold most of the levers of power in our country.
We’re watching three of the 45 Communist goals to infiltrate America (entered into the Congressional Record in 1963) at play right now. Communist goal no:
0. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man." This really started with Barak Hussein Obama. In other words, just smear them as ‘racist’ this way we can disregard whatever they have written such as the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance.
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat]. In other words bad actions are not a crime, its simply mental illness.
42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use "united force" to solve economic, political or social problems. Exhibit A: Occupy Wall, Street, BLM & Antifa.
Finally, what’s the end game of Satan and the sons of satan. God has established three institutions within human society: 1] the family, 2] the state, and 3] the church. Each institution has a sphere of authority with jurisdictional limits that must be respected for there to be order.
· A father’s authority is limited to his own family, this is called Patriarchal authority.
· Church leaders’ authority (which is delegated to them by Christ) is limited to Church matters. This is spiritual Patriarchy.
· And government is specifically tasked with the oversight and protection of civic peace and well-being within the boundaries of a nation or community, specifically Law Enforcement & the Military. This is called civil Patriarchy
Unfortunately, our society has been involved in ‘Patricide’ (father killing) since the 60’s as a result of Modernism, Marxism and Masonry. The Family has already been effectively attacked by one anti-Christian Supreme Court decision after another. The Church’s Patriarchy has been effectively attacked by the infiltration of a large number of Marxist, masons and sexual degenerates amongst its ranks. The last Patriarchal institutions that must be destroyed are Law Enforcement and the Military. We are witnessing the ‘death throes’ of these two institutions under the Biden Harris Administration. George Floyds death was just an excuse to attack the final vestiges of Patriarchy in our society, Law Enforcement.
Our Lord Jesus Christ words to St Faustina #1760: “Know that you are on a great stage where all heaven and earth are watching you. Fight like a knight, so I can reward you. Do not be unduly fearful, because you are not alone” [Diary of St Faustina].
Jesse Romero, MA, Catholic Apologist & Evangelist
Retired Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff,