Jesse Answers John Doe's questions!
John Doe asks:
I want to ask your thoughts and advise on something my daughter experienced at the recent Seek event in Indianapolis that has to do with a likely demon possession. During one of the Eucharistic Adoration’s, as the Monstrance procession came by near where she was, a man suddenly fell down on the floor a few feet away from her, face down on the floor and started weeping/sobbing uncontrollably. He kept his head and eyes down the whole time and never raised his head or looked up. This went on for a long time and then a young woman knelt down next to him to console him and touched his back. After a few minutes, the man screamed/shrieked out very loud twice, and then my daughter heard a deep voice come from him that said “get out”.
Jesse Answers:
This sounds to me like if the man was 'demonized' which can be obsession, oppression or possession, that last one is more rare.
John Doe Says:
She has heard stories of demons moving from one person to another by touching them.
Jesse Answers:
If you are in a state of grace, you have nothing to fear from a demon, they are only attracted to people that live in mortal sin. However, Exorcist warn lay people never to lay hands in prayer over a possessed person.
John Doe says:
She said the girl who touched the man told her she could feel heat or something demonic coming from the man.
Jesse Answers:
Persons in a state of grace can sense the presence of evil spirits coming from a person or hovering in a location.
John Doe:
My daughter became concerned for the girl and for herself because she said she touched the girl on her back during this.
Jesse Answers:
Nothing wrong with showing Christian compassion and charity by touching a demonized person with fraternal concern. Fr Stan Fortuna will embrace a demonized person like a mother cradles her baby and Fr will rock them in his arms and talk to them about the love that God has for them.
John Doe:
She also mentioned Padre Pio and his suffering and attacks from demons and she and I don’t understand how that happens to a holy man.
Jesse Answers:
St Pio suffered from demonic oppression which are physical attacks by demons. This is not common for a holy person, these are extraordinary activities of demons that are permitted by God.
John Doe:
And she thinks something like that could happen to her.
Jesse Answers:
Demons attack all of us through ordinary temptations.
John Doe asks:
After the incident, she has been experiencing nightmares and difficulty sleeping and is now very much fearful of evil spirits doing something to her. She even asked me how she can know if a demon has entered her. I have tried to console and assure her, demons have no power.
Jesse Answers:
You are correct, demons have no power over us unless we invite them or attract them to us by living in mortal sin. Have her go to this and start saying these prayers before she goes to bed. They are spiritual warfare prayers written by several Catholic Exorcist meant to protect you from demons. Also, start praying the rosary everyday and have her pray the rosary every day. Demons fear meditation, they flee, that's what the rosary is, Christian meditation. Demons attack the mind, and the rosary focuses the mind like a laser on the person of Jesus Christ and Our Lady. Demons are terrified of Jesus & Mary.
John Doe asks:
Anyway, can you provide your thoughts or words of comfort or assurance to help her not be afraid?
Jesse Answers:
This first exorcism recorded in the OT is in 1 Samuel 16, lil boy David drove out a demon from King Saul by playing sacred music. Start listening to sacred music (especially Gregorian chant) at night as your going to bed, demons flee sacred music. Finally, pray Psalm 91 as part of your nighttime prayers, Psalm 91 is the oldest exorcism prayer in the Holy Bible and bless yourself with holy water, demons flee holy water, it causes them injury. Wear sacramentals around you neck, sacramentals give you signal grace during moments of trial. Make sure you have holy objects in your house and room, get rid of any occultic articles, relics or objects from your house.
God Love You,
JR <><