It's Election Season! The Right to an Abortion Overturned

June 28, 2024

In the midst of the Biden presidency let me walk you back down memory lane and share some good news. Thanks to the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, gave us the conservative justices who he promised. These Trump-appointed justices in the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, on Friday June 24, 2022, eliminating the fifty-year-old constitutional right to abortion and handing states authority to drastically limit or ban the procedure.

 The six to three decision by a majority of conservative justices to fundamentally reshape American society by overturning the landmark 1973 precedent. It certainly  ignited a political firestorm and yielded a complex patchwork of state laws that will effectively block large swathes of the population from terminating unwanted pregnancies. The Marxist Democratic leftists have gone ballistic over this Supreme Court decision by threatening the conservative Supreme Court Justices, protesting in front of their houses, and attacking over 400 hundred Catholic Church’s and prolife pregnancy centers. The Marxist Democratic leftists are fighting ferociously like the fallen angels (cf. Rev 12:7,12) going from state to state to try and insert the right to abortion in the state’s constitutions.

Satan has always used child killing to try to slow or stop the advance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The attempt is seen in salvation history in Egypt (Exod 1), when mass child killing is used to try to snuff out the life and the work of Moses. Moreover, as God’s people lived in the promised land, Satan allures them into mingling with the surrounding practices of idolatry, including the sacrifice of their children to demons in the fire (cf. Ps 106:37-38). These practices lead to their exile, slavery, and punishment.

History moves on to the Incarnation, and the life of Jesus is targeted in the mass child killings ordered by King Herod. Finally, in our day, abortion kills countless future disciples and evangelists. As Revelation 12:17 indicates, the war against Christ and His Church is symbolized in the attempt to kill a child, and the triumph of the Gospel is seen in the victory of life. The Word of God is clear: “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter” (Prov 24:11). Also “Seek justice, rescue the oppressed” (Isa 1:17).

The entire Church is under obedience to this Divine command to stop the killing! The destiny of the human person is to be on the throne with Christ (cf. Rev 3:21); we cannot ignore those persons thrown in the garbage in our neighborhoods. The value of a human being is that he has an immortal soul destined to see God one day in the beatific vision.

One day modern man will stand in judgment before his Creator and when he asks, “Lord, why didn’t you send us people with cures for cancer, aids, world hunger and social problems?” Modern man will then realize in an instant that the Lord did send us these people, but we aborted them. Both parties: the pro-lifers and the pro-aborts may be honest and sincere in their beliefs, but somebody is sincerely wrong! An admonition to he who has ears,” There is a way which seems right to man, but its end is the way of death” (Prov 14:12).