It's Election Season; May the Scales Fall Off Your Eyes!

May 20, 2024

To all my Catholic brothers and sisters who have been deceived by the modernist liberal mainstream propagandist woke media, I hope these articles that I write until the election helps the “scales to fall off your eyes” (cf. Acts 9:18).

It's election season. The purpose of this blog is to demonstrate that there are irreconcilable differences today between the Democrat Party and the Catholic religion. The engine behind the propagation of the culture of death is the liberal Democrat machine which seeks to silence the Catholic Church and turn America into Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. Huxley describes a futuristic society that has an alarming effect of dehumanization through the absence of spirituality and family, the obsession with physical pleasure, and the misuse of technology.

This describes today’s culture of death; we are witnessing before our very eyes the destruction of Western civilization by the Democrat Party. Let us not forget that Western civilization was built by the Catholic Church; we took the great thinkers from Athens, Jerusalem, and Rome. Then synthesized and purified their thoughts and speech with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The result of this is Western Civilization in and through the Catholic Church. The oldest example of Western civilization is the Catholic Mass.

Andrew Breitbart used to say: that “politics is downstream from culture.” However, culture is downstream from religion, it is the cycle of religion, culture, and politics (in that order) that sustains American western civilization. The leftist anti-civilization woke politicians and their forces want to replace religion with divisive, anti-American, Marxism – that’s what they mean when they chant “build back better.”

The Gospel of Life (1995) paragraph 19 states: “A culture of death, taken as a whole, betrays a completely individualistic concept of freedom, which ends up becoming the freedom of ‘the strong’ against the weak, who have no choice but to submit” (St. John Paul II).

These upcoming articles seek to inform all Catholics and people of good will to open their eyes and hearts to the complete opposition that exists today between the Democrat Party and the Catholic religion on those moral issues that are non-negotiable’ which the Magisterium has declared them intrinsically evil. The Catholic faith is not right versus left, it is right versus wrong. Catholics are called to shine the light of truth upon the culture of death and put the spotlight firmly upon the unjust immoral laws passed and supported by the Democrat Party. These succeeding articles until the election will form your moral conscience so that we follow the dictates of right reason based on the Word of God, and this will lead to right action. These articles will provide Catholics and people of good will with much needed moral clarity. We must be prepared to “fight the good fight of faith” (1 Tim 6:12) because generations to come are counting on us.

 "It is a mistake to apply American Democratic procedures to the faith and the truth; you cannot take a vote on the truth" (St. John Paul II). Unfortunately, secular values have infiltrated religion more than religion has infiltrated secular culture. Values shape a person’s attitudes. Attitudes shape a person’s actions. Actions shape a nation’s future. "Today, as in the past, people who wish to be Christ's disciples are called to go against the tide" (Pope Benedict XVI). Don’t go with the flow, many saints will be forged in the crucible of fire in the third millennium, make sure you are among them. Remember our Lord said, “Do not fear, only believe…” (Luke 8:50).