Imprecatory impropriety?
I have to say Our Lady must have kept the fallen angels at bay. I prayed the entire Leonine Exorcism prayer unknowingly innocently thinking I was doing the right thing. Oops, I did not know at the time, 4 to 5 years When I prayed it privately at home. I listened to your program for May 29, 2020, got my holy water and made the sign of the cross ✝. Prayed for forgiveness.
I stick to the auxilium christianorum prayers, and my wife and I pray the Anima Christi at bedtime. Will I be ok?
You were probably not retaliated by demons because:
1) You were in a state of grace.
2) Your the man of the house so you have the most authority in your domestic church.
3) You prayed it out of ignorance, not willful disobedience. Stick to the prayers you are presently using, they are high caliber weapons that are written for the laity.
The "Exorcism Against Satan & the Fallen Angels" written by Pope Leo XIII states: The following exorcism can be used by bishops, as well as by priest who have this authorization from their Ordinary. This last line has never been abrogated, that statement still remains in force today.