I'm No Expert in Science

September 13, 2024


I caution everyone, including Jesse, to pray of course to the Holy Spirit for discernment in ALL things, INCLUDING The Catholic Bioethics Committee. Especially in health concerns and all recommendations. Through thorough research completed about 6 years ago, about insulin and the aborted fetal cell line, NO longer sourced through bovine and porcine sources, unbeknownst to this type 1 diabetic on the dexcom pump, at the time. 

I would not call them "experts". It is of my opinion that they are part of Church infiltration. Long story short, acceptance of a "small" evil, and JUSTIFYING it as "for the better "good for all" !

I am fighting for the TRUTH! It is a miracle for me to still be alive today, my 55th birthday! I've been diabetic 34 years with type 1. Yet, I have gone without insulin or the use of syringes, or the pump for over 6 months!!! I felt called by the Holy Spirit to take a stand for pro-life! I absolutely refuse to take insulin cultured in e-coli, and directed from the one abortion famous in the 1960-70's, and he told it saves more lives, so, it's ok. Who will fight for pro-life, if we don't? We need to educate and demand bovine and porcine options! 

I also suffer from chronic Lyme disease, which has an evil history , from the cold war...... It's sickening 


My life, is no more important or valuable for the fetus that was aborted, and more with COVID... We all are living creatures, gifts from God, not one more important than another. Thus, total surrender, and TOTAL Trust in God's Divine Will! No matter what that is.



As I said, I'm no expert in science as it relates to medical ethics so you're talking to the wrong person. If you have evidence that the National Catholic Bioethics Center is misleading people then I suggest you call and email them and correct them. Once you correct them, keep all the correspondence and provide it to me and I will broadcast it on my shows.