I Report You Decide! Trump or Biden?

August 1, 2024



Trump is 100% evil. You KNOW this.




Trump is no saint, neither is Biden. Yet Trump is more Catholic friendly than Biden is. Someone who uses their power and authority to kill the most innocent amongst us (unborn babies) is the very embodiment of evil. In Roman Catholic teaching, the killing of an innocent human being has a special category, its called "the sin that cries to heaven" (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1867). Trump has been the greatest friend in the Oval Office of the prolife movement that we have had in my entire lifetime. Biden is a Catholic and he has the benefit of the Catechism of the Catholic Church to help him govern and legislate, he will not be able to claim ignorance when he stands before the judgement seat of CHRIST at his particular judgement. Trump is not Catholic, he doesn't have the benefit of being guided by Catholic moral teaching by way of the new Catechism, yet his policies are more congruent with Catholic moral teaching than Biden. 

Catholics have a responsibility and moral obligation to Vote (Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph 2240).

"Bad Politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote" (William E. Simon, quoted 99th Congress, 1985). 

We have had the highest inflation in 40 years affecting: gas prices, groceries prices, rent prices, house prices and interest rates. Are you better off now financially then you were 4 years ago?

Sex education is being taught in our schools, starting in kindergarten. Our children are taught about transgenderism, immoral sex education, that men can get pregnant, boys can use girls’ bathrooms and vice versa, that men can compete in women’s sports, they are given contraception, and they question ‘what is a woman.’ Drag queens are invited to read to children in schools and satanist are setting up after school programs.

We have lost our southern border; it is completely broken. It is wide open to anyone. People from 192 different countries want to come in illegally, regardless of having a criminal record or if they have contracted various diseases like polio, measles or tuberculosis.

The Chinese communist party is bringing in the most dangerous deadly drug called ‘Fentanyl’ through our southern border, it is the leading cause of death for Americans between 18-45. Just 4 years ago we had the safest borders in recent history.

We are now involved in 3 wars (Ukraine, Israel and Yemen), and we are financing them with taxpayer money. Four years ago, the United States was not involved in any wars; it was a relatively peaceful time. Today, our political leaders are more worried about Ukraine’s borders, but our political leaders do not seem to be interested in our borders. We are financing billions of dollars to defend the borders of other countries, but not our own.

Today we have a much higher crime rate and a much higher homeless rate than we did 4 years ago. Today many stores are closing like: Walmart, Starbucks, Whole Foods, CVS, Nordstrom etc., because of no police presence; we have been defunding the police under these political leaders the last 3 ½ years.

Catholics were treated with respect, and we felt safe four years ago. Today, our political leaders have allowed groups like, “black lives matters” and “antifa” to publicly riot and destroy billions of dollars of property in over 250 cities and almost no one has been prosecuted. However, today under our present political leaders we have had over 400 Catholic Church’s and about 200 Crisis pregnancy centers attacked, firebombed and vandalized. Catholics who are faithful are called ‘extremist’ and are on FBI watchlists. Catholics who are public and openly prolife, have had their houses raided by the FBI and sent to prison for the crime of praying in public in front of abortion clinics.

By voting for the lesser of 2 flawed candidates “your voting to preserve the good that would otherwise be lost if the more evil person gets in. It’s a vote for the preservation of a good” (Fr Chad Ripperger: exorcist – Doloran Fathers). I must ask myself, which person and or party is going to do less damage to my religion and Christian morality?