How he took our sickness 

July 11, 2022

He took upon himself our sicknesses and our illnesses. What does sacred scripture mean by that? For about two years I pondered that passage. The answer came in reading the work of a famous Swiss psychiatrist. He tells the story of two doctors, both of whom had healing hands. One of the doctors stated that whenever he healed anyone, something of the sickness of that other person passed to himself. The other doctor stated that he often cured patients of angina, but he had to give up healing because he suffered so many attacks of angina. Is not this the key?  Now let us go into some of the cures of our Lord. We often read in the gospels that when he cured the deaf, the dumb, and the blind, he sighed. We read that when he raised Lazarus from the dead, he groaned. I believe that at that moment our Lord took upon himself the ills and the sicknesses of others. When he cured a blind man, I think that he felt inside himself not just the blindness of that one man, but all the blindness of men that have ever lived.