October 1, 2024


My friends son was seemingly happy in High School but when he started attending the University, he started to change for the worse. After a couple of semesters he dropped out of college since he was not doing well in his engineering classes. He started smoking marijuana regularly and since then he has been causing his parents a lot of trouble. A few months ago, my friend got a call in the middle of the night that his son was taken to a psychiatric hospital since he was hallucinating and going crazy. My friends son was in treatment for 10 days. After his son was released from the psychiatric hospital, he moved back in with my friend and his mother. My friend said that his son is not taking the psychiatric medicine that his doctor prescribed. Last week, I got a call from my friend  and he was sharing about how his son is doing. He said that his son is not doing well and often talks to himself.

It sounded to me that his son may be vexed or possessed by demons. I told my friend it sounds like son is being influenced by the demonic. He said it was interesting that you said that because around a year ago his son told me that he feels like someone is living in him. I told my friend that there are priests who are trained in deliverance ministry who may be able to help your son.

Today, my friend called me and asked me if I know of anyone that can help his son. My understanding with the Liber Christo Method is that the person must be open to help and willing to do the prescribed prayers. I would love to openly share the Catholic faith with my friend and his wife but I am not sure if they would be open to it or how to approach sharing my fait.

What do you recommend that can be done to help my friends son?

Do you have any contacts in my location that may be able to help my friends son?

How do you help someone be delivered if they are not open to help?



Here is some basic information. Only Jesus has authority over demons, Jesus gave that authority to the Catholic Church (Bishops, Priest have spiritual authority from Christ). Secondly, the person who is diabolically afflicted (as it appears from your email). That person through an act of their will must embrace Jesus Christ by faith, then they must start a disciplined life of prayer, then they must study the Catholic faith to properly form their moral conscience based on the Word of God. Then the person must move from living an unclean sinful life to a clean pure life. There are no shortcuts to driving out demons. The family should go and knock at the door of a Catholic Church, talk to the Priest and become Catholics. That will start the beginning of their son's healing process.

Secondly, the father has authority over his son by natural law if the son lives with him and depends on him. The father should be doing prayers of blessing, healing and deliverance over his son. The problem is, he's Hindu, it is a polytheistic religion which believes in millions of gods (who are actually demons - cf. Psalm 95:5 D.R.Bible). The father's hindu prayers are to demons, this will just make his son's problem worse. 

Solution - the family must become practicing Catholics, they must surrender their lives to Christ the King, they must live in a state of sanctifying grace which means a clean, pure, ordered life centered on JESUS CHRIST and receive Holy Communion every Sunday - that's how this young man can be healed. We proclaim this at Mass when we say the prayer right before we receive Holy Communion: “Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed” (cf. Matt 8:8). Other religions DO NOT have the sacrament of confession and holy communion which brings healing to the soul.