Is there a formal prayer that breaks the bonds of past "partners"?
Past fornicating experiences produces a soul tie between you and the person you fornicated with.
Here is the prayer to break any unholy soul ties you may have had with past fornicating relationships:
"Lord Jesus Christ, I recognize that an unholy soul tie was created between me and (n.), whenever we … (n.). In the name of Jesus Christ, I give back anything I took from _____ and I take back anything I gave to _____and hereby break any and all unholy soul tie(s) with_____" (Do this prayer three times in front of the Blessed Sacrament inside of a Church).
Then go to the sacrament of confession.
Holy Alliances:
A holy alliance reflects the sanctifying effect of properly ordered soul ties and is formed in and through righteous relationships through vocation, devotion, service of God, service of Church, purification, community, redemptive suffering, trials, practice of heroic virtue(s), Christian fraternity, and pursuit of holiness. These soul ties are a positive influence on the soul and help lead the soul toward God. Proper soul ties are developed in the pursuit of spiritual perfection through the keeping of the commandments.
Unholy Alliances
Unholy alliances, or negative soul ties, are formed in practices and associations which are a perversion and corruption of the above. A classic example of an improper soul tie is formed when two people, who are not married or not in a sacramental marriage, engage in the nuptial act. This act is reserved to sacramental marriage for the purpose of glorifying God through procreation and/or consummating the vocation of marriage. The two “ends” of marriage, then, are the procreation of children and the unity of the couple. When those “ends” are thwarted, unholy alliances can form. Negative soul ties are forged in the co-transgression of the commandments, that is, when we commit grave sin with another person. 1 Cor 6:16 (DR) “Or know you not, that he who is joined to a harlot, is made one body ? For they shall be, saith he, two in one flesh.”