HOLY Mother feared by demons

Why is the Hail Mary feared by the devil & his legion?
Prayer causes the demons pain because it is based on Divinely revealed Truth and Truth tortures demons.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the devil is disgraced, he has absolutely No grace.
the Lord is with you. The Lord is NOT with him, God tells Satan: “I cast you to the ground” (Ezek 28:17).
Blessed are you among women, Satan was once “perfect in beauty” (Ezek 28:12) & is now “a profane thing”(Ezek 28:16).
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Lucifer rejected the incarnation, that’s why he was cast out.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, Satan fears Mary because she has power & authority over him (cf. Genesis 3:15).
pray for us sinners, Satan curses sinners and our prayers cause him pain.
now and at the hour of our death. Mary & the angels will stand at your bedside & fight demons as your dying.
Amen. Jesus is called the “Amen” (Rev 3:14), this means ‘he is the ultimate truth’ who came to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:7).