May 14, 2024


I recently saw your talk on Demons (and Angels) on Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics program. That talk was great. Until that is you punted with "above my pay grade" about anti Pope Bergoglio. I can not see how it is possible to say Bergoglio is Pope when Vatican I is violated with every document he writes. This is contradictory and wrong! Bergoglio is just like one of the other 3 dozen anti-popes in the past, so he can say and teach ANYTHING. Canon 188, from the 1983 code, dealing with resignation, was violated in all three ways, and it states that therefore the resignation was invalid BY THE LAW ITSELF. Pope Benedict XVI was the last Pope until his death. Bergoglio never was and is not the Pope. It all makes perfect sense once you realize what happened. Here is a link to a blog that has excellent description of this. 


The fact that I know he is the worst Pope in Church history, I can state that objectively by studying the Papacy. However, I don't have the authority biblically or canonically to declare that Francis is an anti-Pope. Just like according to natural law I don't have the authority to fire the Mayor, the Governor or the President (I wish I did but I don't and neither do you). The Church doesn't belong to me, it belongs to Christ, through His divine providence He will expose an anti-Pope in His time and through the proper ecclesial channels (that excludes us, we don't wear roman collars or bishops mitres').