My family and spiritual director have good reasons to believe I am suffering from demonic obsession and oppression. I have not been able to work since 2012 because of my condition. I reached out to liber Christo for help to begin the protocol. However, every person living in our home must participate in the protocol recommended by liber Christo. My family lives with my parents and brother, and there is no way my father and brother are willing to do the protocol. Do you know any other good exorcists I could try to contact for help?
The first step, you must contact and petition your Parish Priest. This is why it is important for every Catholic to be part of a Parish and have a relationship with the Pastor. The Pastor operates as a General Practitioner. The Pastor should do spiritual direction, counseling, the sacraments and offer minor prayers of exorcism. If the situation is more mental illness than the Pastor will recommend a Catholic therapist, counselor, psychologist or psychiatrist. You have to pursue all of this yourself.
If your are diabolically afflicted you must petition the Parish Priest yourself. Demons afflict people that don't know their faith and choose to live in mortal sin.
Where is your father or husband? Your father or husband has power and authority to bless you and to pray liberation/deliverance prayers over you and drive out demons. He will have to do this night after night and it may take a long time but the demon will eventually yield to his authority. You must also do self deliverance prayers for yourself everynight - here they are:
If you are in a state of grace and a practicing Catholic, your prayers for yourself will be that much more powerful (cf. James 5:16).
If your Pastor determines it is something above his ability to deal with then he will contact the diocesan exorcist. It is at this level that the diocesan exorcist would contact Liber Christo and collaborate in your case.
If you contact Liber Christo they will send you to your Parish Priest for confession, spiritual direction and for blessings and deliverance prayers. Why? because your Pastor has spiritual authority over you and the demon will yield to the authority of his prayers. The only way Liber Christo will take a case is once the diocesan exorcist and Bishop both agree to transfer the case to Liber Christo. Barring this, Liber Christo has NO jurisdictional authority over the diabolically afflicted person and they will absolutely NOT get involved.