Having to Remove Kids from Catholic School

September 21, 2021


Long story short, We are taking a stand against our Catholic school because they are making the kids wear a mask when a classmate test positive. They only have to wear In common areas, but if they believe the mask are truly effective, we believe their policy should be mask 100% of the time. Our position is it should be up to each parent whether to mask their child or not. The school appears to just be trying to make all sides happy, appease everyone instead of making sense. We were told by the diocese reasons of conscience aren’t considered for an exemption. We are taking our kids out of the Catholic school but will remain faithful to the church, and hope to return once they remove the mask requirement. We consciously believe the mask promote fear, affecting mental health and go against our Catholic teaching to not fear death, that we should only fear God. Mother Theresa said the simplest and first sign of love we can give another is through a smile. You cannot receive a smile when it’s hidden behind a mask.


The Catechism clearly states that one must follow their conscience in moral matters. I would appreciate to know better why our schools contradict the teachings of the church, or if I am misinterpreting my faith then I can be better educated.

Man has the right to act in conscience and in freedom so as personally to make moral decisions.

"He must not be forced to act contrary to his conscience. Nor must he be prevented from acting

according to his conscience, especially in religious matters."531907 First, the common good

presupposes respect for the person as such. In the name of the common good, public authorities

are bound to respect the fundamental and inalienable rights of the human person. Society should

permit each of its members to fulfill his vocation. In particular, the common good resides in the

conditions for the exercise of the natural freedoms indispensable for the development of the

human vocation, such as "the right to act according to a sound norm of conscience and to

safeguard . . . privacy, and rightful freedom also in matters of religion. - 1782 Catechism of the Catholic Church

Do you have any insight to offer on this issue?



Just a little bit of history on the state of Catholic education.

The Naked Communist is a book written in 1958 by conservative United States author and faith-based political theorist Cleon Skousen (died 2006, aged 92). The book posits and seeks to describe a geopolitical strategy by which the Marxist-Leninist Soviet Union was attempting to overcome and control all the governments of the world that were not members of the Communist bloc. At the time that the book was published, during the Cold War, fear of communism was common among people in non-communist nations. The list of 45 communist goals contained in the book was read into the Congressional Record (Appendix, pp. A34-A35) by U.S. Congressman Albert S. Herlong, Jr. of Florida, on January 10, 1963.

*Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch." The liberation theology movement within the Catholic Church and the "radical social justice" movements within various protestant denominations all advocate redistribution of wealth, i.e., socialism.

In 1965 Linden B. Johnson’s ‘Omnibus Education Act’ made millions of federal dollars available to Catholic Colleges in exchange for their souls. The Supreme Court has ruled in Grove City v. Bell that schools that receive federal funds even indirectly through federal student loan and Pell Grants must play by Government rules. 

You can read more about how this happened here - James, Teddy. "Dangerous Idea Redistributing Wealth." American Family Association. (2010): http://archives.onenewsnow.com/Journal/editorial.aspx?id=1028998

In 1967 a group of Catholic Colleges led by the University of Notre Dame declared independence from the Catholic Church to qualify for federal funds and many other Catholic schools have joined them in order to accept federal funding and the compromises it requires. The "Land O' Lakes" declaration, signed by the leaders of Catholic colleges and Universities under the leadership of Father Ted Hesburgh (Notre Dame President) decreed that Catholic institutions of higher learning would be autonomous from the authority of the Pope and the U.S. Bishops. Cardinal John Henry Newman wrote over a hundred years ago (cf. ‘The Idea of a University) that an "autonomous" institution soon becomes a rival to the magisterium of the Church. While retaining the name "Catholic" which, belongs to the Church founded by Jesus Christ, a College which agrees with the Land O' Lakes declaration becomes institutionally agnostic in its attitude towards the Catholic Religion. There has been a treason of the intellectuals in Catholic higher education.

In 1971 the John Dewey “Values Clarification” ideology started to be taught in Public School. ‘Values Clarification’ is a synonym with ‘moral relativism,’ which means there is no objective truth. Values Clarification means self - determination of right from wrong, it is a system of morality taught in drug prevention programs, most classroom sex education curricula, it is endlessly portrayed in the media and relentlessly drilled into students from Kindergarten to College. “Values Clarification” & “Moral Relativism” is the making of moral decisions based upon: what seems right to me, what seems right in a particular situation, what friends think is right and what feels right. Values Clarification - Moral Relativism is feelings based, not fact based, it is felt, not thought. Although this was the curricula for public education, this has spilled into Catholic education because Catholic schools hire many non Catholic teachers who are atheist, agnostics and secular humanist. They have brought these ideas into the Catholic schools.

This is what your dealing with today.