God’s first thought
As we look at history as revealed in the Bible, we find that it is God who is always in search of man. It is not man in search of God. Man does seek God, but not with the same intensity with which God seeks man. Just think of how much the thought of man and the love of man is in the mind and heart of God. What is the first reflex thought we find in sacred scripture of God? Not the first description of Him creating the world, but the first thought He has about Himself and within Himself. You might think that His first thought would be about His life and His truth and His love and yet that is not the first thought in scripture. Open Genesis, and you will find it. God’s first thought about Himself is, “Let us make man.” Think of it: as if God could not exist without man. God does not need man to complete Himself to fulfill a need, but He needs man as a kind of a gift. That is to say: He must have someone to whom He can show his love. Therefore, the first monologue that we touch in sacred scripture is the monologue of God thinking about man.