Freemasonry's infiltration of Catholicism
January 25, 2019

1. Gospel Mark 16:15-18 Go out to all the world and tell the Good News.
2. Interview with Fr Charles Murr on Freemasonry. He was the driver for Cardinal Gagnon who worked for Pope Paul VI. Cardinal Gagnon was told by the Pope to investigate Freemasonry in the Vatican. Cardinal Gagnon did a 3 year study on freemasonry in the Vatican and he gave Fr Charles Murr the complete low down. Cardinal Gagnon lectured at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family at The Catholic University in Washington, D.C. As a delegate of Pope John Paul II, in 1987 the now Cardinal Gagnon tried to end the rift between Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and Rome. He died in 2007 (Bing search).