Free Choice?

March 6, 2018
Free Choice


I'm confused. Say someone dies and people say, "It's God's will." But he was dead because of his choice to smoke (lung cancer). So he used his free will to make that decision. That ended his life. So why/how did God know (I understand that God is all knowing; but how does freewill play into one's death?



Absolutely free will plays into that persons death. God has a 'direct will' - that is when he directly causes something to happen by his own designs, like "the flood at the time of Noah", "parting the Red Sea for Moses", and "creating a soul to infuse a preformed human being at conception." God has a 'permissive will.' That is why God allows people to do dumb things and kill themselves or end their life early as a result of their own choices. God knows exactly what their going to do even before they do it, but he lets them follow their own free will.