December 6, 2021


While awaiting the broadcast of The Divine Mercy broadcast on in Buffalo on Tuesday at 8pm, I at times catch the end of your off the charts demented program, The Terry and Jesse show. You two are promoting a culture of death. While abortions in this country continue to fall, the rate of death by Covid-19 climbs toward the rate of abortion in this country. Yet abortion appears to be the only concern of you and many others in the catholic church. You portray Covid-19 to be a myth promoted by the "Communists" currently holding governmental power in this country (as opposed to the Fascist Dictatorship that attempted to destroy the very tenets of democracy in this country.) You are Nazis attempting to pose as catholic Christians, yet you don't have a clue what it means to be a Christian. No, I am not a proponent of abortion in any shape or size, but you PROMOTE a culture of death by dissing the threat of Covid-19 and the massive loss of life caused by this pandemic.  I can see why you were discontinued by Relevant Radio. You should be ashamed to attempt to associate yourself with the Virgin Most Powerful. 


I don't respond to ad hominen attacks, that shows a lack of intelligence prudence and virtue. Don't worry, I will not respond by calling you names, I am a follower of Christ. 

"The truth shall set you free" (John 8:32).