Father's you have authority!
I am writing Jesse today to ask him about my son, who has been an inmate in the detention center in since May 22, 2019. I have suspected that my son has been and is controlled by evil spirits. After watching several videos with Jesse and Taylor Marshall regarding the havoc that the devil and his evil spirits are wreaking in the world, I am convinced my son is a victim. My son is 24 years old and has been in trouble since he was 12 years old. He has been using drugs and alcohol since then and has been in and out of juvenile detention centers, jail, etc many times for various offenses. Of course, the world's answer is that he has mental problems and that may be true, but I've always believed there is something much more sinister controlling him. I am seeking advice from Jesse on how I can help Michael with this spiritual warfare since he in in jail. I am a cradle Catholic and know of one priest who has been trained in exorcism recently, but I have not spoken with him. Is there any way I could talk to Jesse about this? My ex-wife and I love our son very much, but we are exhausted and at our wits end. We have seven other children, none of whom have problems like this son, but we have devoted more time and resources trying to deal with our son than the other seven combined. Unfortunately, our marriage ended eight years ago for many reasons. I plan to buy Jesse's books on spiritual warfare and appreciate very much all that he is doing in educating and warning people about this very real presence in our midst. Thank you and have a blessed day.
As his father you have the authority to bless your son and set him free from demons more than anyone on planet earth because of the natural law and positive law. Demons must obey lawful authority set up by God. 4th Commandment - honor your father and your mother, this demonstrates the spiritual authority you have over them. Listen to the following, the Church and Scripture recognizes your authority...
The blessings given by laypersons are exercised because of their special office, such as parents on behalf of their children” (http://www.usccb.org/prayer-and-worship/sacraments-and-sacramentals/sacr...).
Sirach 3:1, 8-9 “Listen to me your father, O children; and act accordingly, that you may be kept in safety…[8] Honor your father by word and deed, that a blessing from him may come upon you. [9] For a father's blessing strengthens the houses of the children…”
Also, you must be living in a state of sanctifying grace for your prayer to be powerful and effective.
*James 5:16 also tells us that “The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful.” Your holiness of life and your intimacy with God is what makes your prayer powerful.
Start saying these prayers every night for your family - they are Catholic deliverance prayers - read the requirements before you start them. These prayer have are heavy artillery.