April 26, 2023


I am a devout father of 9 children (ages 25 down to 6) and have an 11 year-old son that seems to be struggling spiritually.  He's lethargic, very dull in spirit and super negative.  My wife and I were chatting today and she brought up something that I'm now very ashamed of, that we're questioning whether it could be impacting my son spirtually.  I've always struggled with jealoulsy throughout my marriage and at the time of my son's birth, I questioned my wife's fidelity and whether this child was truly mine.  To the point where I had a paternity test done and wouldn't hold him at first.  So that is the spiritual context in which my son came into the world.  Again, I am very ashamed of this today and have deeply repented to my wife from the heart.  She is a phenomenal woman of faith and has freely forgiven me.  Now I wonder if this embarassing episode may have exposed my son to spiritual harm in some way as a newborn.  My wife and I are completely in sync and very devout in our Catholic Faith.  Our home has always been joyous and I do my best to follow the duties of my particular state in life (I know well and admit that I fall short here.) Now, as with spirtual matters, there's no way of knowing what mess I may have let left behind for my son, but today, I want to go back and cover him in Grace.  And I want to do it with all the zeal I can muster!  What can I do today to bomb and root out any potential evil I may have caused here? 


The Father living in a state of grace and have a well ordered prayer and sacramental life affords blessing, grace and protection to the rest of the family. A fathers holiness has a trickle down effect, for both good and bad (cf. Exodus 20:5-6).  

Start placing your hand on his head everyday (preferably in the evening) and say:


Heavenly Father,
I commend my child (or children) to You.
Be their God and Father;
and mercifully supply whatever is wanting in me
through frailty or negligence.
Strengthen them to overcome the corruptions of the world,
to resist all solicitations to evil,
whether from within or without;
and deliver them from the secret snares of the enemy.
Pour Your grace into their hearts
and confirm and multiply in them the gifts of Your Holy Spirit,
that they may grow daily in grace
and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ so that,
faithfully serving You here,
they may come to rejoice in Your presence hereafter. Amen.


A fathers prayer over his kids with his right hand on their head is very powerful. Grace is poured upon your child because of your patriarchal authority. Copy this prayer onto your iphone and pray it everyday.