November 16, 2017
Faith Alone


Are we saved by faith alone or is it an act of the will as well?


 “When Saint Thomas Aquinas sister asked him how to obtain salvation, he answered her with one phrase: ‘Will it.’ Nothing more is necessary. The promises of God demand from us only this one condition: ‘Will it!’ (Servant of God, Archbishop Luis Maria Martinez, Magnificat; ‘Meditation of the Day); Feb 2016; Vol.17, no.12 p.116). “The conditions (of salvation) may be reduced to a single one, which was proclaimed by the angels at Bethlehem: ‘Peace on earth to men of good will.” He did not say to “men of good character,” nor to “men of good genius,” nor to “men of good deeds,” nor to “men of good virtue” but to “men of good will” (ibid).

God doesn't want slaves, he wants sons and daughters. God cannot override the free will of each man.