How can you let a caller (Felipe) get away with referring to Black Lives Matter as a fascist organization? On what basis can you let him get away with making that assertion. Your program is way too political. You should spend more time teaching the basics of the Catholic faith, which we all need to know more about.
Read the definition of 'fascism' from dictionary.com
Word Origin and History for fascism
1922, originally used in English 1920 in its Italian form (see fascist ). Applied to similar groups in Germany from 1923; applied to everyone since the rise of the Internet.
A form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalistmilitants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and externalexpansion. [Robert O. Paxton, "The Anatomy of Fascism," 2004] Wow, it sounds to me like Black Lives Matter fits the definition to a T.
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Sounds to me like Felipe was SPOT ON!
"The Truth Shall Set You Free" John 8:32