"The Exorcism of Emily Rose," the movie!

September 19, 2023


Did Emily Rose ("The Exorcism of Emily Rose" the movie) give some sort of assent to the demon that allowed possession? What we have heard from Fathers such as Rippenger and Blount is that this would be necessary for possession. It's confusing since our understanding is that she was just a good Catholic girl. My follow up question is this. Why would the Blessed Mother ask her to continue in her state to offer it up? It seems contrary to Christ and scripture to allow this joy for the demon. Jesus was in the practice of driving out demons and said we could/should do the same. Could the request have been a deception? I mean, has that been considered?


The answer to your questions are answered in this detailed article about the case https://www.mysticsofthechurch.com/2015/06/anneliese-michel-unrecognized-and.html