December 18, 2023


I listen to, you and Terry everyday since I left California.  You may not remember me. I attended all of the conferences there at Sacred Heart Chapel, as well as your other conferences. I believe in all that you and Terry speak about, with the exception of what you, Jesse, said on the air today - "I am glad my parents encouraged me to learn Spanish."  Respectfully, Jesse, I STRONGLY DISAGREE WITH YOUR STANCE ON SPEAKING SPANISH FOR ALL THOSE HERE ILLEGALLY OR LEGAL.  THERE IS NO REASON THESE PEOPLE CANNOT SPEAK ENGLISH AND YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO SPEAK SPANISH JUST TO REACH THOSE 30 AND UNDER.  

Other nationalities coming into this country learn the language and assimilate into the culture.  No disrespect, Jesse; but if people come here and do not want to speak English, I believe they should go back to where they came from.  Even working in my previous diocese, a woman who was hispanic herself and had hispanic parents - they learned the English language.  My friend said that when the hispanics wanted the Religious Education in Spanish, she told them no.  She said they were simply lazy and because everything else had been made in Spanish, they saw no need to learn English. Jesse, if you do have a compelling reason that I have not considered on his issue, please let me know.


Let me be clear about my position on speaking spanish in the United States. I totally agree, everybody that comes here from another country must immerse themselves in english, the democrats have intentionally & maliciously kept Hispanics ignorant and made them a low information 2nd class citizen by feeding them English Second Language classes in marxist public schools.  Having said that, I am an American citizen, English is my first language but I am so glad that my parents (legal residents) from Mexico taught me Spanish at home as my second language. It has given me the opportunity to preach the fullness of truth no-nonsense Catholicism on Spanish TV, Spanish radio, hundreds of Spanish evangelization lectures, wriiten Spanish books, given Spanish political speeches for Team Trump & Kari Lake, I have flipped soooooo many Spanish Catholics from lukewarmness & indifference to become lions for the Catholic faith as a result of my Spanish Catholic lectures (with assistance from the Holy Spirit of course). I’ve also flipped thousands of Hispanic people from the party of death (Democrats) to the party of life (GOP) as a result of my Spanish lectures. I have done alooooooooooot of damage to the culture of death and the kingdom of darkness because I was taught Spanish as a 2nd language. Thanks Dad & Mom.
Finally if I were the Pope (which I never will be) there wouldn’t  be an English, Spanish or Vietnamese Mass, there would only be the Latin Mass.