December 13, 2017
Spiritual Warfare Images


What does it mean when we cast demons to the 'foot of the cross' during spiritual warfare prayers. Why do we send them to the 'foot of the cross?"


The foot of the cross is the spiritual place of our redemption which stands outside of time and space. Calvary is the place where Satan was vanquished. Latin – “Crux stat dum volvitur mundum” means “the Cross remains still while the world revolves around it.” In the Eastern tradition the “foot of the cross” was thought to be the center of the world, situated directly over hell. The foot of the cross for believers is that place where all humans may spiritually retreat to receive refreshment & grace; it is the ultimate tribunal where Christ judges all demons because it was where Satan himself was judged (Exorcism & the Church Militant p.183-184).

“Calvary is judo. The enemy’s own power is used to defeat him. Satan’s ends (good Friday) was God’s means to save the world” (Dr Kreeft; ‘Making Sense out of Suffering - p.132-3).