Dyslexia Program at the Masonic Lodge
We adopted a boy from xxxxxx at the age of 2. He was diagnosed with dyslexia in the third grade and were referred to the xxxxxxxxxxx tutoring program provided at the Masonic Lodge in XXXXXXXXXX. He worked with them a couple of times a week until his behavior (defiance) caused him to be removed from the program. I am concerned because of the information I have learned about the danger of the Masons. Understand that they were the only resource available to us at the time and we are using a tutor that we met through that program. She has helped our son make progress and he is able to read but is behind a number of grade levels.
We are faithful catholics and our son was baptized and was confirmed in 2020. He does not like going to mass and his behavior at mass is distracting. This could be attributed to his ADHD but it still persists at the age of 14. He receives communion when we go to mass and he does go to confession with me when we have gone. It was twice in 2020. My concern is that he may have oppression from a demon. Are there some prayers that I can use to help with this? I have Holy Water. He has significant behavior problems that get more difficult as he gets older. We are working with Psychiatrist and Psychologist however he is evasive with them and with us. My wife and I are doing better at working together on this but it is stressful and I fear that it will affect our marriage if we are not successful.
Your household is your domestic church, demons will yield to your authority and prayers over those in your house, under your care and the articles in your house as well. By all means bless his room and him with holy water everynight. This sacramental is a powerful repellant of the diabolical.
Start saying these prayers together (if possible) everynight - auxiliumchristianorum.org - these are Catholic deliverance prayers to drive out demons from your home and to stay protected from diabolical affliction. Read the FAQ's and requirements on that website as well and follow the instructions to the letter.
You must start praying this prayer over your son every night - it was written by a Catholic Exorcist (Fr Chad Ripperger), it is very effective when prayed over your children by the husband - the wife should join in if present but this is the Fathers role - to bless the family.
Commission of the Care of Soul and Body May be prayed at any time, but especially before sleeping.
For oneself: Into thy hands, Mary, I commend my body and my soul. I ask thee to provide for them and to protect them. I ask thee to protect them from the evil one. I ask thee enlighten my mind, strengthen my will, and refrain my appetites by grace. Our Lady and St. Michael, call down from Heaven the legions of angels under your command to protect me; I ask of thee all the things I ask of my Guardian Angel. My guardian angel, under thy intellectual and volitional protection I place my body. I ask thee to 20 illumine my mind and refrain my appetites. I ask thee to strengthen my cogitative power, my memory and my imagination. Help me to remember the things I should and not remember the things I should not. Help me to associate the things I should and not to associate the things I should not. Give me good clear images in my imagination. I ask thee to drive away all the demons that might affect me while I sleep (or throughout the course of the day). (Help me to sleep and, if thou should deem it prudent, direct my dreams. Help me to arise refreshed). Amen.
For one other person: Into thy hands, Mary, I commend the body and soul of N. I ask thee to provide for him (her) and to protect him (her). I ask thee to protect him (her) from the evil one. I ask thee enlighten his (her) mind, strengthen his (her) will, and refrain his (her) appetites by grace. Our Lady and St. Michael, call down from Heaven the legions of angels under your command to protect him (her); I ask of you all the things I ask of his (her) guardian angel. Guardian angel of N., under thy intellectual and volitional protection I place his (her) body. I ask thee to illumine his (her) mind and refrain his (her) appetites. I ask thee to strengthen his (her) cogitative power, his (her) memory and his (her) imagination. Help him (her) to remember the things he (she) should and not remember the things he (she) should not. Help him (her) to associate the things he (she) should and not to associate the things he (she) should not. Give his (her) good clear images in his (her) imagination. I ask thee to drive away all the demons that might affect him (her) while he (she) sleeps (or throughout the course of the day). (Help him (her) to sleep and, if thou should deem it prudent, direct his (her) dreams. Help him (her) to arise refreshed). Amen.