Do's and Don'ts of spiritual warfare

I have 3 questions:
I bought your book, Lord Prepare My Hands For Battle and in it are prayers for deliverance and healing. I have a son that has fallen away from the faith and is living a sinful life. I do feel that there is an evil presence around him that is using his pain and lying to him to keep him from God.
Q: Do you have to be trained in some way or in the prescence of a priest to say these prayers?
A: No training is necessary to pray these prayers and you can pray these prayers independent from a priest. All you have to be is a believer in a state of grace.
Q: Does the person that you are praying for, have to be present with you when you are praying these prayers, to receive deliverance and healing?
A: No the person that you are praying for does not need to present to receive deliverance and healing. However, these prayers could be more effective if that person prays with you and is open and willing to pray for their healing.
Q: I was wondering is it ok to pray the deliverance and healing prayers for him?
A: Absolutely, pray those prayers for him everyday at home, anywhere, anytime & in church and/or adoration. I would also add - offering up Masses for him at least once a month, go to adoration once a week and pray for him before our Eucharistic Lord. Encourage your son to go to confession and Holy mass every Sunday. Your son is suffering from the 'sickness of the soul'. Only confession, attending holy Mass and living in a state of grace are the keys for his healing and deliverance. Your son must do his part, by a complete act of his will. Meanwhile continue and persevere in prayer for your son, never stop even if he is parents, our job is to pray for our children's conversion on a daily basis. Just like the Blessed Mother prays and intercedes for us all the time to her Son, Jesus Christ.