I was asked a question about the "Laying of Hands" in prayer. I know through your teaching that the 'laying of hands' on a person for 'healing' is not valid because our hands are 'not consecrated' as are Catholic Priests. Can we lay hands on someone in group prayer, as in a friendly/love touch? In this climate of "personal space invaders" and "social distancing", is that okay or valid? Please advise.
What is not allowed by scripture is for one lay person to lay his right hand over the head of another lay person, that is a sign of Priestly or Patriarchal authority. This gesture will elicit demonic retaliation because demons know that you have no authority over the other person.
Can you place your hands on his shoulders for example, here is why its not a good practice. If a person you are praying for is diabolically afflicted by touching him you could get demonic transference. Best thing (I do) is place a blessed object (a sacramental) on his shoulder and you can pray for him prayers of supplication or intercession. The sacramental protects you from demonic transference because the sacramental is blessed and your hands are not. Or have him hold the sacramental in his hands, gaze upon it and you can pray for him prayers of supplication or intercession or better yet, lead him in prayer so that he starts learning to pray for himself.