Do demons hate Latin?
Do demons hate the Latin language?
Fr Peter Carota: “When Latin was removed from prayers in the 60s, all hell broke loose throughout the world”, he further said “Latin Mass, Latin Exorcism, Latin Sacraments Crush The Devil”[i]. Fr Ripperger: actually, Hebrew, Greek and Latin were affixed to the instrument of our salvation (cf. John 19:19-20), that’s why their sacred. The Latin Mass was prayed around the world for centuries, this was the answer to the tower of Babel.
A demonically possessed man whom I know that has gone through 12 sessions of Exorcism with the diocesan Priest told me that part of his healing is gauged by how long he can sit at Holy Mass before the demon reacts with aversion and manifests through his body and begins tormenting him. He said he can sit in the Novus Ordo Missae until the consecration at which time the demon will rage, manifest and begin tormenting him. He said the demon manifests and torments him in the Latin Mass as soon as Father ascends the sanctuary and starts his opening prayer. He said the demon recognizes the power of the Latin prayers and the reverence shown brings forth an avalanche of graces almost immediately.
Is it a coincidence that Pope Benedict XVI called the Novus Ordo Mass the ordinary form of the Mass and the Latin Mass the extraordinary form of the Mass? I ask this question because the word ‘extra’ indicates (
adjective: beyond or more than what is usual, larger or better than what is usual:
noun: something extra or additional: something of superior quality.
adverb: beyond the ordinary degree; done extra well; extra large.
The word ‘extraordinary form’ indicates the ‘superior quality’ of the Latin Mass based on the very definition of the word ‘extra.’ Much like ‘possession’ is called by Exorcists the ‘extraordinary activity of the diabolical’ and temptation is called the ‘ordinary activity of the diabolical.’ In other words demonic ‘possession’ is much greater and superior in degree than demonic ‘temptation. The Novus Ordo Mass is called the “ordinary form,” if properly celebrated it is a beautiful Mass, but if I were to describe the Latin Mass I would use the words of St Paul “And I will show you a still more excellent way” (cf. 1 Corinthians 12:31 NAB). Here is what I mean, I’ll simplify it:
Novus Ordo Mass is called the “ordinary form.”
The Latin Mass is called the “extraordinary form.”
Demonic temptation is called “ordinary.”
Demonic Possession is called “extraordinary.”
Ordinary ( commonplace or average condition, something regular, customary, or usual.
Extraordinary ( beyond ordinary, beyond regular, exceptional, remarkable, phenomenol.
The first Mass, the archetype of Masses, was consummated at Calvary in Latin language as the Roman soldiers, its ministers, went about their grueling business, albeit not knowing what they did. By the time it was over, some of the Roman soldiers believed and professed their faith in latin (cf. Mark 15:39), and others did not. The Jews watched it all unfold. Some of them understood the Romans’ latin language well, others only dimly or not at all. Some of the Jews believed (cf. Luke 23:42), others did not. We, the Catholic Church, the ‘New Israel,’ now watch, some comprehending the Latin and some do not, some believing and some do not (cf. John 6:66-69)