I have been listening to you and Terry for many years and love everything you have said. That being said. My question to you is, why did God divide himself to two other person's, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost? He's God! Almighty! That question popped up in my head one day, I just had to ask you.
Thank you and may God Bless you and Terry. You both are in my prayers.
1. What is God? Divine (this is a question about his nature or essence). Who is God? God is Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. When it comes to the Trinity there are two questions to ask, What? And Who?
2. The Blessed Trinity is one God in three divine persons (Question 27; Baltimore Cat)
3. The three divine persons are one and the same God, having one and the same divine nature (Question 29, Baltimore).
Aristotle said that all good things come in three. And so Catholic Christian revelation teaches us that there is One God - who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, co-equal, co-eternal, and co-majestic, One God in three persons. The Trinity can be seen in a person; we are generally thought to be made of body, mind and soul; There is this likeness to the Blessed Trinity in my soul: that as in the one God there are three Persons, so in my one soul, there are three powers; the memory, the intellect [understanding] and the will. The memory alludes to the Father who is the origin of all things, the intellect alludes to the Son (aka the Logos), and the will alludes to the Spirit who gives us the power to obey. The Reflections of the Trinity is stamped in our very soul. The Trinity can be found in the theological Virtues, there are faith, hope and love. The Trinity can be seen in natural phenomena such as fire, which consists of 3 elements, flame, heat and light. The Trinity can be seen in nature: The sun is the source, the light is a direct cause of the sun, and the heat is the end result. The Trinity is found in matter: which is composed of Atoms which are composed of protons, electrons and neutrons. The Trinity is found in mathematics: The trinity is not triplex, i.e. 1+1+1=3. The trinity is triune. 1x1x1=1. The Trinity is found in time: past, present and future. The Trinity is found in water: it can be liquid, solid ice, or vapor (condensation) at the same time, under pressure and in a vacuum at a given temperature below freezing; yet it is identifiable always as H2O, its basic nature. This is called in Physics, the ‘triple point of water.’ SOUL - the animating principle created directly by God, which together with the body contributes to the unity of man. The human soul is immaterial, rational, and immortal; it is independent of matter and enables man to enjoy a relationship with God (Stravinskas Encyclopedia). Also CCC – 365, 366, 367 (soul & spirit used as synonyms in Catechism). The Trinity is seen in the life of the Church: Bishops are the authority (the Father), Priests offer the sacrifice (The Son), Deacons are the servant workers (The Holy Spirit works in us).
The Trinity harmonizes with the laws of logic because God is one nature (or essence) and three with respect to person. The category of nature differs from the category of person as “what-ness” differs from “who-ness.” We might say that God is “one what” and “three whos.”
Christianity is the only religion whose one God is a family. According to Pope John Paul II, “God in his deepest mystery is not a solitude, but a family, since he has in himself fatherhood, sonship, and the essence of the family, which is love.” God then is not like a family. He is a family. From eternity, God alone possesses the essential attributes of a family, and the Trinity alone possesses them in their perfection. Earthly households, like mine and yours, have these attributes, but only imperfectly. Of course, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not gender terms, but relational terms. The language of the divine family is theological, not biological. The terms, rather, describe the eternal relations of the divine persons who dwell in communion with each other [Scripture Matters; Vol 3, issue 6].
The Holy Trinity (Tri-Unity) Doctrine: in its barest outline, 1Jn 5:7-8
1. In the one divine nature, there are three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
2. No one of the persons is either of the others, each is wholly Himself.
3. The Father is GOD, the Son is GOD, the Holy Spirit is GOD.
4. They are not three GODS but one GOD. They are NOT separate. Where one is, all are. This is known as circumincession – The mystery of the Godhead and the reality of the compenetration of each Divine Person of the Blessed Trinity with One another. When for example the Father acts, the Son and the Holy Spirit are also present. They can never be seperated from One Another even though each Person is distinct from the others.