Disturbing statistics....the killing of the unborn down syndrome babies!

September 5, 2017

1.  Gospel of today (Luke 4:31-37)

2.   Archbishop Sheen explains a sacrament “God uses the visible to make the invisible present

3.  Did St Francis ever say: “preach the Gospel always, if necessary use words?

4.  September is dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows.

5.  CATHOLIC // In his new book on "LGBT" Catholics, Father James Martin proposes an alternate Catechism. http://cvote.it/2tCrZfn 

6.  Cardinal Sarah blasts Vatican advisor for opposing Church on homosexuality

7.  CATHOLIC // Imagine facing execution for sharing the Holy Bible, attending Mass, and making the sign of the cross. These are expressions of faith that are daily exercises for us in the United States, but in North Korea, they are possible death sentences for Catholics. http://cvote.it/2vSPvXe

8.   U.S. Kills 85% of Unborn Babies Diagnosed With Down Syndrome. Why? http://www.lifenews.com/2017/08/31/the-u-s-kills-85-of-unborn-babies-dia...

9.  Woman named to highest post open to laity in Diocese of Orange, CA Kathleen N. Hattrup Aug 15, 2017 - https://aleteia.org/2017/08/15/woman-named-to-highest-post-open-to-laity... Pia de Solenni has been named by Bishop Kevin Vann of Orange, CA, as the chancellor of the diocese

9.  Local news station about a priest saving a fired cop's life. It is a great story! http://6abc.com/witness-suicidal-man-barricaded-self-in-church/2359314/