Did Pope Paul VI prophesy the widespread clergy homosexual abuse and wide spread cover up?

September 19, 2018
Pope Paul Vi


Did Pope Paul VI prophesy the widespread clergy homosexual abuse and wide spread cover up?


On December 7, 1968, in an allocution to the students of the Pontifical Lombard Seminary, the Pontiff Paul VI affirmed: “The Church finds herself in an hour of disquiet, of self-criticism, one might even say of self-destruction.”

A few years later, in the allocution “Resistite fortes in fide,” the same Pontiff said: “The smoke of Satan has entered into the temple of God through some crack.… An adverse power has intervened. His name is the devil..." mysterhttp://www.tfp.org/the-sexual-abuse-scandals-symptom-of-a-profound-crisi... to which Saint Peter also alludes in his Epistle.”