Did God make a mistake?
As we read over the gospels, particularly the first part of the gospel story, we sometimes feel that Jesus made a mistake in choosing Peter. Peter was impetuous, cowardly-making promises that he could never keep and did not intend to keep, even denying the Lord. Yet the Lord never said to him, 'I told you. I told you you would fall.' Never that. Our Lord was patient with Peter, and Peter became a saint. Our Lord did not make a mistake. Our Lord did not make a mistake in choosing anyone of us. He knew what we would be, what we would become. Maybe we have not become all that he expected, but he knew the sanctity that was in us. What he said to Peter the week after the Resurrection, he says to us, 'Simon, son of John, do you love me? Do you love me? Do you love me?' That question is answered in silence.