Can confusion be diabolical?
Fr. Chad Ripperger (Exorcist): “Ordinary Diabolic Influence includes Confusion. Demons will make people confused, give them anxiety, fears & deep depression.” (Spiritual Warfare Conference - Feb 19-21, 2012; Holy Family Theatre, Hollywood CA)
Fr. Mendoza Pantoja (Exorcist diocese of Mexico): “What the devil is interested in is to confuse us, either by making us believe that he doesn’t exist and that, since he doesn’t exist, neither do hell and heaven…” ZENIT - English, 1 Jan. 2016, zenit.org/articles/satan-s-strategy-of-confusion-part-2/
Cardinal Raymond Burke: “But let me make clear that confusion is never a good. Confusion is the work of the devil. It always has been and it always will be,” he said to a burst of applause - https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/cardinal-burke-church-is-experiencing-...