Debriefing on the weekend Prayer Rally at the satanic conference
About 300 Catholics met on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (February 11-13, 2022) in front of the Saguaro Hotel in Scottsdale Arizona which was peaceful and very orderly. Kind of reminds me of the 300 men from the book of Judges 7:5-7 who defeated 15,000 Midianites. The fact that we were 300 Catholics was not a coincidence, it was a God incidence.
Two Catholic Priest came and joined us lay Catholics in praying supplication and prayers of petition. We prayed all four mysteries of the holy rosary, the chaplet of St Michael the Archangel, the chaplet of the Holy Face Jesus, the chaplet of the Divine Mercy, beautiful litanies to Our Lady, St Joseph, the blood of Jesus and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We sang Latin hymns in between. We saturated the atmosphere with “the sweet aroma of Christ” (2 Cor 2:15) for three days straight and intentionally united our prayers from 12noon to 3pm (the hours Our Lord was redeeming the world on Calvary). Also, we heard reports of some sizable groups of non-Catholics showing up after 4 pm to pray and evangelize, about 75 to 100 of them.
There were reports of hundreds of people at the satanic convention, including satanist, witches, atheist and secular humanist in the hotel. Outside there were Protestants, some anti-Catholic but many were very supportive, they also were here to resist the evil in the convention. I felt like St Paul walking into Ephesus (Acts 19:29) “the city was filled with much confusion,” I also could identify with St Paul as he walked into Athens “…while Paul was waiting for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him as he saw that the city was full of idols” (Acts 17:16).
Our goals were threefold. 1) The Faithfull offered God prayers of Reparation for the evil lectures and evil actions of the satanist inside the ballroom, 2) to offer God prayers for the satanist to receive the grace of conversion and salvation. 3) Lastly, to offer God prayers of protection for the city of Scottsdale. The Bible says love your enemies and pray for those who curse you (cf. Matthew 5:44). "To love is to will the good of another" (CCC 1766). What do we will for the satanist? Nothing less than the salvation of their souls, which in the Church is always the supreme law (Canon 1752). I reminded my Catholic brothers and sisters all three days first thing upon our arrival, to “keep your eyes on Jesus” (Hebrew 12:2), we are here for one reason, to pray for the salvation of their souls and let us make our Church shine by conducting ourselves as faithful sons and daughters of the Church as we step into the breach as Catholics in the public square. We accomplished our goals through this peaceful prayer rally, all the attendees publicly demonstrated the virtues of faith, hope and charity. This verse from the books Acts 18:9-10 (RSV) gave me the courage I needed to stay the course for those 3 days: “Do not be afraid, speak out, and refuse to be silenced; I am with thee, and none shall come to do thee harm; I have a great following in this city.”
We (Catholics) processed from the Scottsdale Civic Center parking lot with a statue of Our Lady of Fatima on a platform being held by four men in suits, it looked like a modern-day ark of the covenant procession. There were many Catholics processing with images of Our Lady of Guadalupe and a large crucifix. Our prayers of petition & supplication seem to have had a calming affect with those people around us, even the Satanist. 99% of the people that passed in their cars gave us the thumbs up sign or waved and honked their car in approval. The Scottsdale Police department was very accommodating to us and very protective of us because we (Anita & me) had established a relationship with them for the last two months, they were very appreciative. Some friendly protestants even joined us in prayer and stood with us. Other protestants elected to pray far away from us in order to not disturb us and vice versa (since we have a different modality of prayer). Two Protestant pastors complimented us for our organization, our discipline, our physical and spiritual order and our peaceful witness. They conveyed to us (Anita & me) that they were very saddened that Protestant denominations in Scottsdale and the surrounding cities could not organize to pray on this critical weekend. Many of the Catholic faithful told us (Anita & me) it was an incredible spiritual experience, like a high-level intense retreat. I spent two separate occasions talking and evangelizing two different satanist, I also shared the faith with two ecumenically minded protestant Pastors who were asking me questions about Catholicism, I was also able to speak to four atheist about what Catholics believe for about 15 minutes and lastly, I shared the faith with four Scottsdale Policemen who were lukewarm Catholics by their own admission.
Many attendees told us (Anita & me) that the prayer rally was totally Catholic, this event made them even more proud to be Catholic and they told us (Anita & me) that everyone conducted themselves like followers of Christ.
As I was driving home on Sunday after the last day of the prayer rally, I received a call from a friend of mine, Kyle Clement, the case manager and facilitator for Fr Ripperger (Exorcist). He told me that Fr Ripperger offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the Catholics in Scottsdale, who were at the prayer rally in reparation for the evil occurring at the satanic conference and for our protection as well. I told Kyle to thank Fr Ripperger from the bottom of my heart, and that was a great consolation to Anita and I. I believe, in addition, the reason our rally was so successful is because there were thousands and thousands of Lay Catholics Priests and Nuns from all over the country including 21 cloistered orders. In our own Diocese the Bishop recommended that Catholics pray inside every Catholic Church for the protection Scottsdale, prayers of reparation and prayers for the conversion of the Satanist. Everybody who attended the prayer rally has told me and my wife personally that this weekend was life changing, a moving powerful experience and a weekend of incredible grace that they will never ever forget.
Another point worth mentioning, the Scottsdale Police Department conveyed to me that when the Satanist were leaving Sunday at 2 PM from the hotel they seemed to be arguing with each other and having heated debates with each other as they were entering their cars and leaving the hotel. The Police told me they were not happy, they were not smiling, they were frowning and visibly upset and distressed. I can tell you with complete certainty that this was the result of our prayers. Catholic prayers projected into the cosmos will disrupt, block and impede satanic curses, hexes and incantations. I have no doubt that their conference, curses and hexes were undermined and impaired by the power of Catholic prayer. They felt a small demonstration of the power of God, who loves them and sent His only Son to die for them.
Psalm 133:1 (RSV) describes what Catholics did on Feb 11,12,13 in front of the Saguaro Hotel: “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!”
In conclusion, 1) It was a prayer rally, 2) It was peaceful throughout, there was no confrontation, 3) we prayed 13 pages of Catholic prayers non stop, their found on, 4) God knew our intentions, which were to bring glory to His Name and glory to the Church in the public square. 5) Most important, we were there to turn back one sinner from the error of their ways (James 5:19-20). Only in eternity will we know if our prayers bore any fruit. I am sure they did. For Isaiah 55:11 (NAB) says: “So shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; It shall not return to me empty, but shall do what pleases me, achieving the end for which I sent it.” 300 Catholics praying the Word of God for three hours for 3 days consecutively, His Word will achieve what we prayed for, the salvation of their souls.
St Mother Teresa once said, "I am called to be faithful, not to be successful." In other words, Lay Catholics, just be faithful to your apostolate of evangelization and leave the results to the Lord. Or as St Paul said: 1 Cor 3:5-9 "What then is Apol'los? What is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, as the Lord assigned to each. I planted, Apol'los watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. He who plants and he who waters are equal, and each shall receive his wages according to his labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building."
Notice, WE plant (the seeds of the Word of God) and water (we pray for people) but only GOD causes the growth. HE is a Father who loves HIS children and keeps His promises.
St Augustine said: “Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are.”
I would like to thank the following people and apostolates for physically joining us in sanctifying the public square.
*America Needs Fatima also known as TFP – 10 people.
*Michael Hichborn – from Lepanto Institute.
*Joe Gallagher & Trey Brock from Church Militant.
*Anthony Acosta from VMPR.
*Scott Goley from ‘Catholic Resiliency’.
*Jesse Waltz from Lifesitenews.
*Donald Nohs promotor of the Holy Face Devotion.
*Paul Zuccareli author of “Faith Understood.”
God Love You,
Jesse & Anita Romero <><