Daily Radio Slhow

July 12, 2018
Kids On Computer

1.  Gospel Matthew 10:7-15 “The kingdom of heaven is at hand…”                                                                     

2.   Understanding the Precious Blood of Our Lord - http://www.tfp.org/understanding-the-precious-blood-of-our-lord/?utm_sou...

3.  So what DO violent video games do to a child's brain? Psychologist explains how gun-filled games make kids think it is ok to be aggressive - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3709666/So-violent-video-games...

4.  Why Did Steve Jobs Limit His Children’s Exposure to Technology? http://www.returntoorder.org/2015/03/steve-jobs-limit-childrens-exposure...

5.  Why Good Fences Make Good Neighbors by John Horvat II http://www.returntoorder.org/2018/07/why-good-fences-make-good-neighbors/