Daily Radio Show

September 7, 2017
Marco Rubio

1.  Gospel of the day Luke 5:1-11 (Peter, I will make you a fisher of men

2.  Daily reflection with Venerable Sheen “Christ is the great sacrament.”

3.  Email Question: What do you call a male witch?  Are they condemned in the Bible?

4.  Atheists demand pro-life senator stop tweeting Bible verses

5.  Environmentalists and Abortion Activists Have an Extensive Partnership to Promote Population Control - http://www.lifenews.com/2017/08/24/environmentalists-and-abortion-activi...

6.  A Priest explains the hard truth about why the Church is in decline - https://churchpop.com/2017/05/08/a-priest-explains-the-hard-truth-about-... decline

7.  Woman harmed by watching porn - https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/understanding-what-drives-women-to-us...