Daily Radio Show

September 6, 2017
Democrats Deny Prolife

1.  Gospel of the Day

2.  Daily Reflection with Venerable Fulton Sheen

3.  Documentary, Hush? A liberating conversation about women's health and abortion.  It's a documentary about the serious health risks of abortion, especially breast cancer - http://hushfilm.com

4.  Harry Potter has now become mainstream – with Matt Arnold

5.  Witchcraft is not pretty - http://www.pattimaguirearmstrong.com/2017/07/witchcraft-is-not-pretty.ht...

6.  Question of the day. Where is the term witchcraft condemned in the Bible?

7.  Pro-Life Democrats Meet With Party Chair Tom Perez. He Tells Them, “Sorry, We’re Pro-Abortion - http://www.lifenews.com/2017/06/30/pro-life-democrats-meet-with-party-ch...

8.  Cecile Richards: You Can’t be a Democrat if You Don’t Support Abortion. “It’s Non-Negotiable” http://www.lifenews.com/2017/08/02/cecile-richards-you-cant-be-a-democra...

9.  Let Church teaching pervade your work, Pope Francis tells Catholic politicians http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/let-church-teaching-pervade-your-...