Daily Radio Show
1 - The power of the act of contrition - http://www.catholicstand.com/power-act-contrition/
2 - Why won't men grow up? In our Peter Pan culture, adolescence is perpetuated by the relentless messaging that grownups and maturity aren’t cool. http://cvote.it/2vdaPqe
3 - Why is Healthcare so expensive? The Affordable Care Act was supposed to lower healthcare costs, but it has done just the opposite. Why? Because it ignored the realities of how markets work. This video is part of a collaborative business and economics project with Job Creators Network and Information Station - https://www.prageru.com/courses/economics/why-healthcare-so-expensive The Popes for the last 150 years have thundered against socialism
4 - Jul 17, 2017 Presented by Bob McEwen. Why is the government so bad at healthcare? Why did Obamacare make it more expensive than it already was? Is there a solution? Obamacare was supposed to fix all this, but instead, like every other government healthcare program before it, it just made things worse. Why? Because the government is a third-party payer -https://www.prageru.com/courses/economics/government-cant-fix-healthcare
5 - HEALTH CARE // Five ways Obamacare proves that government-run health care is a disaster by Dr. John Barrasso, who is also a Republican Senator from Wyoming. http://cvote.it/2rAU6qL
1 to 2pm Show
Read paragraphs 897-917 of the Catechism on the Laity’s obligation to Evangelize.