Daily Radio Show
July 14, 2017
1 Rev. Fr. Martin J. Gleeson, OP. cell phone number: (504) 717-8770. Talking Points for interview found on the Registration Flyer for the Ignatian Retreat raining at Sacred Heart Retreat House - document entitled "A Brief Explanation of the LTMTP Series." .
2 Why It Matters That God is Justice and Mercy by Stephen Beale - http://catholicexchange.com/matters-god-justice-mercy
3 Outcast Dalits are rejecting Hinduism to become Christian - https://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/50000-hindus-convert-to-chri...
4 What Catholics Need Now: A Letter to Our Priests and Bishops - http://www.catholicvote.org/what-catholics-need-now-a-letter-to-our-prie...