Daily Radio Show

May 27, 2020

1.  Matthew 22:1-14 The wedding Banquet                                                               

2.  Venerable Sheen – What is right?

3.  Pope's letter of sexual abuse called 'slick PR stunt' to divert attention from abusers, enablers https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/aug/20/pope-francis-letter-sex...

4.  Bishops using verbal engineering to deflect responsibility.

5.  Catholic monk who heard ex communist Bella Dodd speak about communist infiltration into Catholic Church http://thetruecatholicchurch.com/iii-what-happened/d-vatican-ii/4-traged...

6.  St Catherina of Sienna pray for us. What St. Catherine of Siena would say to today’s bishops by Kathryn Jean Lopez Aug. 14, 2018 https://angelusnews.com/voices/kathryn-jean-lopez/what-st-catherine-of-s...