Daily Radio Show
1) BIG WIN FOR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY. Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Trinity Lutheran Church v. Comer -http://www.catholicleague.org/big-win-for-religious-liberty/
2) Trump says Supreme Court decision on travel ban 'a clear victory' June 26th, 2017 | 12:34 PM - http://www.financetime.org/trump-says-supreme-court-decision-on-travel-b...
3) FREE SPEECH // Remember when the Obama administration said that the Washington Redskins could no longer have copyright protection because their team name was offensive? Guess what? The Supreme Court ruled 8-0 that the Obama administration got it wrong and that there is no 'hate speech' exception to the First Amendment. This will have huge implications for Christians. http://cvote.it/2rPEZdf
4) CATHOLIC // The Bishop of Springfield, Ill., said that those in same-sex 'marriages' cannot receive Catholic funeral rites. No surprise: Ultra-liberal Jesuit priest Fr. James Martin threw a fit and attacked the Bishop Paprocki on social media. http://cvote.it/2rOdAt2
5) Jesuit Scholar: Seeking to Defend Islam at All Costs Is Betraying the Truth. In an interview with the Register, Egyptian Greek Melkite Jesuit Father Henri Boulad explains why he believes Islamist terrorists are applying what their religion teaches them, and why the Church fails to address this because she has fallen prey to a leftist ideology that is destroying the West -http://www.ncregister.com/blog/edward-pentin/jesuit-scholar-seeking-to-d... is a Priest who knows and has lived in an Islamic country. He gives us objective factual truth, not revisionist history about Islam. He is a voice of truth who explains the mental framework of the terrorist mentality.
6) Sacred Heart devotion spiritual anchor of the domestic church - https://onepeterfive.com/enthronement-of-the-sacred-heart-the-spiritual-...