Daily Radio Show

July 5, 2018

1.  Matthew 9:1-8 Jesus heals the soul and body.

2.  Venerable Sheen – Justice as well as mercy.

3.  The Remnant Newspaper - Trump Receives Scapular, Our Lady of Fatima Credited for Korean Peace - https://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/headline-news-around-the-worl... Calvo shared message of Our Lady of Fatima and gave Trump scapular - HTTPS://WWW.GUAMPDN.COM/VIDEOS/NEWS/2018/06/13/GUAM-GV-CALVO-EXPLAINS-GIFT-TRUMP/696828002/ Play entire clip, its2:41

4.  Diocese led by pro-gay bishop says it’s ‘up to each parish’ whether to promote homosexuality https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/diocese-led-by-pro-gay-bishop-says-its... Catholic_7_3_2018&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_12387f0e3e-1fcbe00ad3-402274813

5. Four German bishops say they will allow some Protestants to receive Holy Communion https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/german-bishop-implements-new-intercomm...

6.  Time to call out the root of the Church’s sex abuse scandal  https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/time-to-call-out-the-root-of-the-ch...