Daily Radio Show
1. Gospel John 20:24-29
2. Venerable Sheen - Gods choice
3. Bishop: Mass migration part of plan to water down Europe’s Christian identity https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/bishop-mass-migration-part-of-plan-to-...
4. Soros-Funded Group Launches App to Help Illegal Aliens Avoid Feds - https://theremembranceproject.org/soros-funded-group-launches-app-to-hel...
5. Just In: California Just Passed Measure Awarding Federal Money To Illegals, Benefits Shock - https://rwnofficial.com/just-in-california-just-passed-measure-awarding-...
6. Pelosi Invokes Catholic Faith to Defend Illegals, But Not to Protect Unborn - https://www.cnsnews.com/blog/craig-bannister/pelosi-invokes-catholic-fai...
7. Sen. Tom Cotton: Immigration In the National Interest - https://www.conservativehq.com/article/26795-sen-tom-cotton-immigration-...