Daily Radio Show

June 22, 2018

1.  Gospel Matthew 6:19-23

2.  Venerable Sheen - What do we all want?

3.  Chris Pratt Talks God, Prayer, and the Soul to MTV. This is kind of a big deal


4.  A Priest Explains the Big Sign that Proves Things Are Not Well in the Catholic Church - https://churchpop.com/2018/06/09/most-catholics-arent-going-to-mass-and-...

5.  The United States Sees the Largest Drop in Church Attendance in Decades - https://fsspx.news/en/news-events/news/united-states-sees-largest-drop-c...

6.  The evolution of the Church into oblivion - http://www.speroforum.com/a/LFVWRJFFJN28/83412-The-evolution-of-the-Cath...

7.  Social Justice replaces evangelism